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  2. Technology
  3. Video, projections and IT

Video, projections and IT

Video became a part of our everyday life, conveying our experiences, emotions but primarly advertising. We have been focused on video processing and the display of it since the early beginning of our company. Technological advancements now offer extensive possibilities in the fields of recording, processing, and displaying video. Thanks to our professional equipment, all recordings are of high quality. The years of experience of our experts also contribute to this, as they have a talent for captivating recording and video editing. Below, you will find the complete structure of our video department, from cameras to projection and screens.

Kamery využívame na profesionálne zachytenie každého momentu – od konferencií, cez firemné stretnutia, až po gala…

Videoréžie a mediaservery sú kľúčovými prvkami každej profesionálnej videoprodukcie, ktoré nám umožňujú zabezpečiť…

Projekcia sa stala najjednoduchším spôsobom ako dosiahnuť veľký obraz bez potreby stavania obrazoviek. Dnes sa už…

Notebooky, počítače, iPady a tablety zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu pri realizácii AV projektov a organizácii podujatí.

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